Hi Everyone,
We now have a Brand New set downstairs.
Jamie Cassidy, and Ian Vickers have been busy over the last 2 days setting some fantastic new problems for us.
Why not pop on in tonight, and check them out. There's around 200 new problems ranging from V1 right up to a tricky V8, plenty for the beginner or the expert to go at.
Also, a quick reminder that it is our final First Aid Course of the year this weekend, 1st/2nd October.
Prices across the Peaks for a 16 hr course is around £130.00
Our 16 hour First Aid Course is just £80 for the 2 days, which includes free tea and coffee.
Please book now, as there are only 3 spaces left.
Call us on 01782 341 919 to book now.
I look forward to seeing you all tonight.
Many thanks
The Stoke AWCC Team